Research evidence demonstrates that if we grabbed 100 individuals off the street who have no back pain, and did an MRI on each of them, 37% of them would have findings of disk degeneration. This finding would sky rocket to 96% if your age is 80 or over. What this means is that you will find ‘abnormalities’ on MRI in most asymptomatic individuals.
Furthermore, research evidence (Chou et al., 2009) has shown that imaging does not improve a patient’s clinical outcome.
Take home message:
When presented with your MRI findings, do not fall into the vicious cycle of self-diagnosing your injury and assigning a cause. Your MRI results are but one piece of the assessment tools your physical therapist would use to evaluate your overall condition. By undergoing a thorough evaluation, your physiotherapist will determine the origin of your injury based off of your clinical findings, radiographic findings, your pain presentation, your injury history, your movement patterns, and any present dysfunctions.
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